
ExtraGas operates the fastest growing network of Auto LPG Dispensing Station (ALDS) to its customers that are spread across the Telangana and Karnataka.

Now you have the opportunity to become part of our franchise development – and own your own ExtraGas franchise.

We offer proven methods of operation that permit the franchisee to capitalize on the experience and expertise of an established organization. We support you and ensure your peace of mind when starting and operating your own business.

ExtraGas provides the franchise opportunity to budding entrepreneurs via 3 lucrative and market-tested models.

They are


These terms are used to describe the dealerships that later construed to become legal agreements such as a DODO, COCO or CODO agreements which seal a contract towards the operation of Dispensing stations

Firstly, DODO stands for “Dealer-owned-Dealer-operated” model. DODO agreements allow the dealer to perform as both the owner and the operator of the station. In DODO agreements, the dealer would be most likely an open dealer who owns the site where the station is located. The fuel company involved keeps control of the underground tanks, pumps, company signs, and other required equipment.

Next in line to DODO type, is COCO type, which stands for “Company-owned-Company-operated” model. A COCO legal agreement ensures that the distributing fuel company or any of its subsidiaries owns and operates the station. Once a COCO agreement has been signed, the company will be the owner of the real estate or the operating site accompanied by salaried or commissioned staffs. COCO powered stations stand to be company-operated stations

Another prominent model is the “Company-owned-Dealer-operated” model also known as CODO. A CODO legal agreement is signed where the distribution company or any of its subsidiaries owns the property on which the station is located whereas the dealer operates it. The company involved keeps control of the underground tanks, pumps, company signs, and other required equipment.

Join the ExtraGas network and make yourself a part of our retail footprint at various locations in various states. Become the proud partner of Empire LPG network to assure a better future for the entrepreneur.